Monday, December 3, 2007

Still Waiting

And the wait for baby Thor continues. 3 days past due, which isn't really much when you think about it but it seems like a long time. The worst is that people act as is if I can perform the delivery on command. If I could, trust me, I would.
I go in for another check up today and that will tell us if I am far enough along to either induce or move him along on my own.
He should be here by the end of the week!


Traci said...

Hey Dana, Thanks for the update. I was thinking about you this weekend wondering if Thor had arrived. Take care this week. I'll be sending happy thoughts your way.

Janice said...

I can't believe we won't be calling him Thor anymore... I will miss that. But hey, finally getting to meet your beautiful baby will be more exciting :)

Emily said...

Thanks for the update! :) I can't wait for him to arrive although I know you are tons more anxious than all the rest of us! I know he will come in his own time and will be a happy and healthy boy! Can't wait to meet him!