Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let's Be Thankful!

I was home for Thanksgiving this past weekend (home is Indianapolis). Thursday morning I went out for a run through my old neighborhood and reflected on the years that have passed and all that I have to be thankful for. As I ran I was thankful for the fact that I could go out for a run; thankful for my health and physical capacity. I ran past my good friend Sara's old house and was thankful for her still being my good friend after 30 some years. I looked at the house next to her old house and thought of how I heard that family had fallen apart with divorce and drugs and un-timely death and was thankful that my family did not go through that. I ran past other houses and thought of the friends and families who used to occupy those houses and where they were now. I ran past the house of the guy I liked who was older than I and really hot and the girl I played with whose house seemed to grow on its own (little house - now big house on top of the old house). I ran past my mom's neighbor's house whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver and whose mother died of cancer and her father had remarried and his new wife died of cancer too and her neighbor whose son died of a brain tumor and she later died of breast cancer and if this seems like a run on sentence......... it is. I ran and thought and ran and thought and was thankful for my family. I wondered how the big neighborhood got so small. I ran past the house where I used to babysit where the house had roll down metal protective barriers on the windows (I thought that was totally cool when I babysat). You all know that my father died of cancer 3 years ago. Maybe another child that was a child when I was a child in that neighborhood thinks of that when they run past my mom's house.....
I am thankful for my son, my husband, my mom, my brother and his wife, my friends, my in-laws, my time in Indiana and Georgia and North Carolina (Illinios and California too). I am thankful that I am her today to tell you all of this and have the life I have. I may not have everything I want....but I have everything I need. I love you Ted and Nicolas!!!!!

Let's Be Thankful!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

They ask us this question early on. High School Guidance Counselors try to help us plan our careers when we are 17. How can we know? I often wonder what Nicolas will be.

When I was 17 I wanted to be a doctor, a plastic surgeon actually. Not just to give women bigger boobs or less cellulite or fewer crows feet (though a trade-out with other doctors would serve me well now), but to fix things that really needed to be fixed. At 19 I switched into Exercise Physiology and loved it. Over the years and through my career I have loved the path but often have not loved the work.

Today I came back to what I love. Before I got to typing I was surfing the net for more information on the conditions that some of my clients suffer and how better to help them. As Ted and Nic lay sleeping on the couch, I could have crept into bed and gotten a head start on sleep, but I was compelled to learn more. As the day has gone on I have been more and more inspired to find new ways to help them work through their physical obstacles and become the person they want to be.

The mother of one of my clients (the client is suffering a debilitating neuromuscular disease) waited for her daughter in the lobby as we trained. Afterwards I went to talk to her to let her know how well her daughter did and how great an attitude she had. The mother, having previously looked heartbroken, looked surprised and pleased at that. Her daughter is 2 years older than I am.

It just made me see even more how every day of their lives, no matter how old they get, we wish and hope and ache for our children.

I hope that Nicolas gets to be everything he wants to be. He is tough, but sweet; smart and mischievous and becoming an amazing little man!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Kill, Kill, Kill

No I haven't lost my mind, but sometimes I want to kill, kill, kill!!!!

When I say that I mean germs!

I try to be green and non-toxic when it comes to cleaning products. I use Method soaps and surface cleaners, eco friendly dish detergent, and even green floor cleaner. I know that all the toxic substances in the cleaners are harmful to the whole family. Look under your sink and count up the toxic substances, then think of a situation like Galve*ston, TX where the flooding brought all those cleaners out in the open and added them to the flood waters. Or that all the cleaners sent down the drain or toilet add to the sewers and may or may not be filtered out into the lakes and rivers.

I buy the chemical-free sunscreen and lip balm.

But in the last couple months Nic has been sick with a number of ear infections and most recently a viral infection, so now when I think of the germs, I want to Kill, Kill, Kill.

Bleach, Win*dex, Clor*ox, Ly*sol, Rai*d...bring it on. If you are a living organism in my home that I didn't give birth to, marry, adopt, (myself too) or plant....beware!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seriously Lacking in Posts

Wow, I have been very neglectful of my blog. I bet my friends have stopped checking because they assume there will be nothing new. And really it's not that there isn't anything new, we have just been so busy. But here is the update.
Nic still walking everywhere! Sometimes he resorts back to crawling but only for a minute. So my time at home often consists of simply chasing him around.
He has 6 teeth and I caught the beginning of a new one yesterday as his mouth was wide open screaming at the doctor's office. Yep, back to the doctor. He had a temperature of 103 yesterday when we got home and straight to the doctor we went. She isn't sure exactly what it is but it's not an ear infection and its not strep, just some virus that must run it's course. So it has been doing that for the past 2 nights and little sleep has been had by Mom or Nic.
Despite the fever he remains as charming and handsome as always!
As I always promise, more later when I have time.
Here is a cute Halloween picture. As you can see, Nic is afraid of dogs:)