Thursday, August 30, 2007

Unwritten Rules

A woman told me the other day that there is an unwritten rule about pregnant women. This is that one should be careful around pregnant women. Let then cross safely at the cross walk, hold the door for them, etc. The people of Charlotte may need this rule to actually be written down because they appear to be unaware of it.
As I cross the street at work each day in search of my DECAF coffee, I face the same challenge as always. Maybe the people in their cars are thinking that they will hurry and get out of the way so I have a clear street to cross? Maybe I don't look pregnant enough? Maybe they are thinking that I could use a sprint across the street to workout all those extra pastries? Looking at the 6 month picture here I don't think that could be the case. The distribution of weight definately says PREGNANT.
So for anyone who reads this, slow down for the pregnant lady and consider holding the door once in a while.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

3rd Trimester

The 3rd trimester is certainly looking different than the last 2. Mom says there is no hiding the fact that I am pregnant. That's as if I wanted to. Thor is kicking like he means it now and often moves into a new position causing all kinds of motion in my belly. It is definately one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. I could forget about all the backaches, heartburn, fatigue, and moodiness while watching him move. The books say he will triple in size between now and birth and maybe my belly will too. I will keep you up to date with each new belly picture.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Diet Coke and Starbucks

Diet Coke is my new wine. For 10 months I cannot drink alcohol. Not really a big deal most of the time, except for those days you just need "something". Aspartame is a "use sparingly" substance for pregnant women, so its not an every day thing. But sometimes a dose of the articifially sweetened, carbonated, carmel colored liquid is just that "something".

Then there is the grade, half-caf, iced americano with a splash of skim milk. Somedays its all decaf and some days Thor gets a little shot of caffiene. I can tell he likes it by the acrobatics in my belly. A Starbucks opened around the corner from my house about 3 months ago and I have already become a regular fixture there most mornings on my way to work. I think I enjoy the coffee shop atmosphere as much as the drink itself. My dad used to drink decaf all day long and my brother and I used to think - what is the point of coffee without the caffiene. Well, now I know.

The pregnancy books warm against the use of cocaine and heroine during pregnancy. I think I should be fine with my 2 little indulgences!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

For Thor

This blog is for my son. We are not telling is name until he is born, so for now he is Thor. Thor is the God of Thunder and War. Maybe we should have chosen something else.

Marvel Comics had a character named Thor seen to the left. Looks like a boy that loves his mama! Ted is proud of the fact that he will know how to use a hammer.

My Thor looks more like the picture below at 12 weeks. Now at 25 weeks he is much bigger. More pictures of his growth to come.