Friday, August 29, 2008

Family Day at the Big Pool

Last weekend we had a "family day", which meant Ted, Nic and I spent the whole day together. The trip to Lo*wes and Cost*co may not have been that exciting, but the good part came at the neighborhood pool.

No more sitting the shallow water splashing around for Nic, he wants in the deep water, and not to be held, but to "swim".

He has really taken to the water, unfortunately at the end of the pool season. Good thing we still have his pool in the yard.

We have seen that Nic is a good runner (winning the race in July); he enjoyed cycle when I was pregnant; and now the swimming. I think we may have a triathlete on our hands!

1 comment:

"I'm Rachel" said...

Look at him go! Isn't it amazing how quickly they learn and get into things?