Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Favorite First Foods

I think Nic has found one of his favorite first foods.

Now as a protective Mom, not ultra-crazy, over-protective, but dangerously close to it - Mom; I have gone by the rules to introduce the appropriate first foods slowly. I make all his food, and by "make" I mean put it in the blender. He eats peas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, pears, apples, etc. Occasionally we let him "taste" other foods on the table.

Ted is a bit less conservative. So the other evening as Ted was eating a big kosher pickle (one of Ted's favorite foods) he let Nic have a try.

Nic LOVED it!

To the right is Nic's pickle-eating caught on "film".


"I'm Rachel" said...

Isn't that hilarious? Gib used to love to eat lemons! Lemons!

Janice said...

Too funny, I also mentioned lemons when I first saw this picture. But leave it to Nic to be different... I heard those who are a genius often are...