Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Pictures for Friends Near and Far

I don't have a lot to update you all on from this past week. Nic is still crawling fast, trying to stand and "talking" our ears off. But I know you all like new pictures so here is a new one for you.

I made Nic a drum from a coffee can and put some rocks in it. Add a wooden spoon and you have an instrument. It's quite fun.

Nic is going to the BIG POOL tomorrow with lots of water, and kids, all kinds of fun stuff. I will update you on that later.


"I'm Rachel" said...

Oh, the big pool is a blast! You'll love it!

Janice said...

he is so going to be a model. he just has that serious model look "i am so cute and you can't resist me". and it is true!