Monday, February 9, 2009

Ah Motherhood

Today started out like a typical Monday at 5am.
Unfortunately that changed quickly. Nic just wasn't being himself. He didn't dive into his milk and bananas at breakfast. He was just kind of grumpy. Intermittently grumpy even; playing one minute and grumping the next.

I went back and forth over whether or not he was sick or just grumpy and whether or not I should find a sub for my morning classes or just hope he got over it. I had determined that it was most likely just an upset stomach since he spent a lot of time running in the grass and picking up stuff from the grass and putting it in his mouth.

While I was on the phone trying to find a sub for the first class, Nic went about playing and trying to grab the phone and I thought - you aren't sick, you just want attention. So we went to work.

Not a good thing. He didn't get over it, he was grumpy and warm and refusing to eat. Here comes the guilt. I shouldn't have brought him out today, but its too late now. I mean to would totally walk out of class and say "sorry" if my child was sick or hurt, but I hate to cancel if I don't totally have to. So I pick him up after class and he is all mopey and the ladies in the childcare are kind of acting like "why did you bring him in here"? Don't get me wrong, they are sweet ladies and they do a good job taking care of him, but its not always easy to make that call. One of them said to me as I left that is was a good thing I didn't have to work again until next Monday so Nic could be home. So I said, well no, actually I work most days of the week just not there.
I do thank you all for taking care of my little sick one. I will bring you cookies next week.

So anyway, Nic and I are off of work tomorrow so we can go to the doctor.
I get to bring a stool sample (Nic's stool actually, not mine) in with me. The doctor wanted to check for any blood in the stool. So I grab a little plastic cup and head upstairs to Nic's room, open up the diaper Ge*nie and dig for the last 2 nasty diapers (did I mention the diarrhea?), open them back up and scoop out a little poop. I used a plastic spoon too. I thought you might want to know that for the next time you eat at my house.

Most of you know that I have a short attention span which got even shorter after the baby. This is why I left eggs boiling on the stove long enough to boil all the water out and cook the eggs to the bottom. I think that day I had gone up to change Nic and ended up bathing him because it was so bad. So I scoop some poop and sit the poop cup on the little half wall around the stairs. Then I think, gosh the house smells like vomit. Oh did I forget to tell you that I got vomited on today? Now I have been baby vomited on, but not toddler vomited on until today. And it was a doozie. All over my back and shoulder, down my shirt, all over Nic, all over my jeans, etc. So I was upstairs putting the vomit clothes in the washer and sorting some other clothes, then went out in the hallway and thought - why does it smell like poop out here?


Janice said...

poor dana. you deserve a pedicure. tell ted. actually forget ted just schedule one and leave nic with ted.

vonbad said...

Sounds good. The night didn't get any better. Nic was up barfing and fussing all night. Poor little man:(